Monday, November 22, 2010

7 Week Pictures

I kept a pretty good record of my belly stages with Macie, but I didn't start until about the 16th week.  This time, I'm going to try and take a picture every week.  I feel bad that I didn't start earlier with Macie, but I didn't even know where to start whenever I first found out I was pregnant.  So this time, I am sad to say, I'm doing everything I wish I had done the first time.  I think it's usually the other way around--parents usually do less with a second baby--this time, though, I wasn't in complete and utter shock finding out we were expecting.  I was EXPECTING it!  This time around I do have a happy little helper, named Macie, that just loves taking belly pictures with me.  Right now I have no "baby belly" just a bloated belly (I guess I will call it a baby belly to make myself feel better).  I'm wondering what Macie is going to think whenever it starts getting bigger?  I keep telling her that there's a baby growing in my tummy and she says that I ate a baby and it's in my tummy.
My Belly at 7 Weeks

Macie's Belly at 7 Weeks :)

She's been in the mindset since day one that she doesn't want a baby brother or a baby sister, she wants a baby girl.  I know there is no way to tell this early, but for some reason I keep thinking it's going to be a boy (I won't be disappointed with a girl or boy, I'm happy with either).  I feel completely different than with Macie.  I was horribly sick (like deathly ill) with Macie and with this one I am just fine.  The week I found out and up until a few days ago, I was eating so much and always felt hungry--and GAINED around 5 pounds!  Now, thankfully, I have finally tapered off of the "eating for two times two" habits and am eating like a normal person.  I wake up really hungry in the mornings and can't go to class without something in my tummy-- :( I will get sick.

Change of Subject:
I really think that I could probably make some really cute holiday shirts for Macie, but with school I haven't had time to get together any supplies.  There's a really cute blog with crafty tutorials that I'm (hopefully) going to get to try over my Christmas break. Here's a link to it: DressingHeidiSage.  Anyway, instead of being the crafty lady that I know is inside of me, I ordered Macie a really cute Thanksgiving tshirt from  We just got it in the mail today and it's just precious!  As soon as I took it out of the box Macie said, "Oh, I just love it!"  She's so dramatic and I LOVE it :) !  Well, here is a picture of her ta-da-ing for me while modeling her new shirt:

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