Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We Have Big News!

Yesterday I discovered some exciting news for our little family.  We're adding to the Pike crew!!!
They're very light, but definitely a YES! :)

I've been feeling a little "different" for the past week or so and I knew that I could possibly have a little bun in the oven so I had taken a few tests--that all said negative.  Well, yesterday morning I had one test left so I decided to just take it and see.  I had a big ol' fat plus sign (that just happened to be fairly light).  Before picking up the phone and sharing with the world I thought I better head down to Walmart to buy more tests--just for good measure.  Sure enough I took three pregnancy tests and all of them were POSITIVE!  Chris was working and I had called him after the first test, but said that I didn't know if it could have been a false positive.  I think he's more in shock that it actually happened, but I think he's pretty happy.  I, on the other hand, am ecstatic and couldn't wait to tell EVERYONE.  So, I did just that.  Our families are super happy.  Macie doesn't really know what to think.  All she says is, "I want a little girl."  I guess that means she doesn't want a brother, but we'll see what happens.

I know it's really soon to tell everyone, but I couldn't hold it in!  I had an idea that I probably was this month, so I've been very antsy.  When I thought I wasn't, I was a little bummed.  So, according to my calculations, I'm almost 5 weeks along right now and we have our first doctor's appointment November 24.  I am working on my list of questions--because it HAS been over 3 years since finding out I was pregnant with Macie.  Things are different this time because I was EXPECTING it to happen, unlike with our little surprise Miss Macie.

Here we go: 4 Weeks
Macie wanted a belly picture too! :)
 I had already done all of the basics when we decided to start trying--taking prenatals, quit drinking caffeine, no more ibuprofen.  Now I just have to work on my diet.  I'm hoping morning sickness isn't as bad this time.  I started eating like a horse about a week ago and I'm afraid that my body is preparing itself for the sickness.  Fingers crossed!

Be expecting many posts on the progress!


  1. HOW EXCITING!! Congratulations to your family. Love Macie's belly picture. :) Can't wait to see more updates!

  2. Congrats!!! Life with two kiddo's is double the fun!!!!
