Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Catch Up

It's no secret that my skin doesn't get much UV attention - whether it's real or artificial - you can tell just by looking at me.  Well, today I was going to attempt to "float around" in the little kiddie pool with Macie and try and get some sun.  That didn't work out so well - all she wanted to do was play {naturally} and all I wanted to do was relax {didn't happen}.  We were outside about 20 minutes....I took some pictures and walked around setting things up....then I started feeling light headed....I hate that feeling and it's been a constant lately.  If only it were 10 degrees cooler {is that a word in Texas weather definitions?} I think I might be able to enjoy the outdoors....maybe just a little.  It makes me sad because Macie wants me to play with her and I want to, but it's just not happening right now.  Well, enough of my pity party....I did manage to snap a few shots of my little stinker hamming it up and having tons of fun with water!

Just a little prissy?

Bad mom here - all of her swimsuits are dirty, so I pulled out one of her 4Ts that I bought for next year.  Yeah, it was a little big, so we improvised!!! :)

Loves the water!


I just love that cute little tushy!!!
I love my sweet girl!!!

By the way:
Holy cow!  My blog stats have jumped from less than 200 views a month to almost 500!  That's insane.  I know it's mostly because of our "big news" - I'm not kidding myself.  I just wonder who's all looking??? :)  Ya know, I need more blog friends - with only 9 followers, there's bound to be someone else out there peeking in on me that has a blog too!  So, if you have a blog {or even if you don't} follow me!  I would love to read yours as well. :)

Forgot about this past weekend:
This past weekend, I had a mini "photo shoot" with my niece, Hannah.  She has grown up so much and it never really hit me {or any of our family, for that matter} until we saw these photos.  She really is a beauty and I know she is going to grow into a classy, beautiful, young lady.  She's very sweet and loving - she really cares about others.  My sister and BIL did a great job raising this sweet girl.  Here are a few of my faves:

We can't forget Macie and Noah....
After swimming at Nana and Grandpa's

He has such a sweet face - what a mess. :)

The girls feeding the fish while Noah took a nap.

They love doing this!

Silly guy!

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