Tuesday, August 9, 2011

14 Weeks

Goodbye 1st trimester!

Hello more confidence that this time it's for real!

Yes, what they say is true - it's different the second time around.  My eating habits haven't changed, I've only gained maybe 1 lb {if that}, and I still keep noticing a bigger belly every few days.  I LOVE IT!  So far, I'm prepared for the morning I wake up with a basketball in my belly with maternity leggings, one pair of maternity skinny cargos, and a few maternity tops.  I really don't think I will have to switch to maternity clothing for at least another month or so, but I'm prepared this time!  

Macie and I have started talking a lot about her baby brother or sister.  She's the cutest.  Sometimes she'll ask me, "where's my baby brother or sister?" And I will point to my belly.  She thinks that's the funniest thing.  One of her favorite games is hide and seek and she says they are playing that in my belly.  When I asked who they were playing with, this confused look came across her face.  She was totally stumped and it was so funny!  Then she told me that her baby bro or sis plays with my heart - I thought that was pretty sweet.  This is big sister material:

This is Chris' vacation week - he worked yesterday to get a little extra $$$, but is taking off the rest of the week.  We don't have a lot planned, I think we'll probably take a trip to a water park one day and maybe he'll let me get out of the house to shop for a few things I've been needing.  #1 on shopping list is pregnancy safe cleaning products (and some foods I've been craving).  I've definitely going to take full advantage of having him home! 

Oh, and don't forget to vote in my gender poll at the top! :)

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