Monday, August 29, 2011

A boy?

We finally made it to the big day!  Our gender reveal!  My jaw is still on the ground and Chris is pretty pumped up.

We're having a BOY!!!

I guess all of the people that voted in my poll know better than I do!!

I was absolutely convinced that he was a girl.  I had even bought these....

I'm really excited, though, because the girl clothes get to go to one of my friends that is having a girl in December. YAY!

I did get a couple of boy things....
Macie and baby boy have matching beanies!
And, I have a diaper bag for a boy!  I'm really excited about this one because it was such a great deal - I still can't believe how little I paid for a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag {brand new}!
I had a gut feeling that this was going to be a little guy, but had convinced myself that I would have all GIRLS!  

I'm a little scared.....of the boy things.  Like circumcising - ouch!  I'm going to cry when they have to cut on his little weewee.  Then the peeing in my face - I know, I'll have to get used to covering it.  It's just going to be different and wonderfully crazy. 

I see a lot of little boys and think "WOW, am I going to have a rough little guy or will he be calm like Macie?"  I don't know how I'm going to handle bumps and bruises because we've never had anything big happen to Macie (knock on wood!).

I think Macie is a little freaked out at the idea of a baby brother.  Whenever we were calling family and friends announcing the news, we would say "boy" and she would say "no, it's a girl."  We'll tell her she's having a brother and she will throw a tantrum.  I hope she comes around before baby brother gets here!  I guess we'll just have to find ways to make her feel special that she has a baby brother....

1 comment:

  1. You can call me!! I am going to be a pro once I raise all 4 boys that I feel like I will end up having!!!

    I need to know about the diaper bag!!
    What kind of a deal did you get?
