Friday, May 15, 2009

Catching up!

Well, we've been a family of busy bees the past few weeks. I just finished my finals for my first semester back at Tarleton. I'm happy to have them out of the way! I've heard that the first semester back is the hardest, and it is very true. I know what to expect now, though, so I will be prepared for next semester.

We have had a lot happen since the last post. My boxer, Tex, was attacked by the neighbor's dogs and had to have emergency surgery. No puppies for Tex, ever. It was very sad, but he is back to himself again after recovering for two weeks. He's still happy as he's ever been and he's still wonderful with Macie! They're buddies.

Our weekends have been very full and will be throughout the entire summer, I imagine. So, since I'm not attending school during the week I make the most of Mommy and Macie time. Earlier this week we went to Stephenville to visit Aunt Ashley and saw Uncle Matt briefly. Macie got to swim in the pool at Ashley's apartment and had a blast. Pictures from that outing to follow. Today, we're heading to Aunt Sharon's house in Joshua to swim. I will get pictures from that posted later.

Anyway, that's a little bit going on with us for now.

This was Macie's first encounter with an ice cream cone. She had a good time!

Happy girl!!!

She is already showing signs of being studious. She found a pen and paper in the junk drawer and started taking notes. I'm sure she was writing about how much she loves her Mommy!

This was from our pool day.

She was talking about something. Of course I caught her making a lovely face. :-)

Macie's Aunt Ashley was playing with her and she was loving it!!!

Ashley tried to get a good one of us, but Macie wouldn't look at the camera. She was more interested in the water!

We had fun playing on the steps.

Then we hopped around!

Afterwards, Aunt Ashley gave Macie a green popsicle. She ate the whole thing!!!

Macie loves her Aunt Ashley! And, I THINK her Aunt Ashley loves her back!

Finally Macie got to see Uncle Matt! He was very happy to see her!