Monday, December 20, 2010

God has a plan...

...and right now his plan is not for us to have Baby Pike #2.

I know everything happens for a reason and things could be a lot worse, but I am still sad.  There is nothing I could have done differently because I did everything right.  My only regret is telling everyone so early--I was just so stinkin' excited.  I think the hardest part was telling people after it happened, but it was also the most help in my healing (I think).  I talked about it so much over and over, breaking the bad news to family and friends, and I think that was the best thing I did (instead of keeping it inside to build).

I have such an amazing family and was very lucky to have my mom come and stay with me.  She's such a big help in my life and I can't express in words how thankful I am that I have her.  It was a rough day, but with my mom around it made everything seem so much better.  

I don't know when we will try again, but I do know that it will be a very cautious time, so I think we will keep it to ourselves for a while.  No matter how excited I get!

I love my little Macie girl and I am so thankful that I have her.  I can't imagine trying the first time and this happening.  I am lucky to have this sweet angel that I get to cuddle with, laugh with, and hug & kiss every day!  She is for sure our little blessing.



  1. Oh, Erin...I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's so hard to see any good out of this, but it sounds like you are trying. You'll all be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Erin, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm thinking of you and Chris!
