Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hairline Gender Test

It's no secret that I am very ready to find out the gender of our little pea and I'm get more and more antsy by the day to find out!  Well, I came across a gender test that is based off of the hairline of the child born before the next.  So, here's the deal: 

You have to already have at least one child to use this test.  If the hairline of your first born is pointed the next child will be of the opposite gender.  If it's straight, the next child be of the same gender.  The lady that wrote the article I read had 5 children and it was accurate for all of them!  Here is a link to the article: Hairline Gender Test and here are the pictures from her article:

Well, if you know me you know that I immediately checked Macie's hairline.  From first glance I thought it was straight.

Then I looked closer {lifted all of those little baby hairs} and it looks kinda pointed too!  It's just a little thinner than the children's' hair in the article.

Now I don't know what to think.  I called my sister and she said that Hannah's hair was a very distinct point, which would be correct in predicting her little brother's gender.  AHHHH!  Of course this would happen to me because I'm so ready to know and every old wives tale or test tells me something different.  This one is just left at inconclusive for us!

P.S.  Don't forget to vote in the gender poll at the top of my blog!  Please and thank you! :)

1 comment:

  1. i would say macie's is more straight that pointed. Landry's hair is pointed, and joshua's is straight. If out next one is a boy I'll be in shock. Whenever that happens of course. lol.
