Saturday, August 18, 2012

I'm a little nervous.

Tomorrow, Chris and I are finally attending to our first church service here in Granbury.  We have lived here for 4 years and are just now "getting around to it." 

We have only been to church a handful of times since we were married (5 years ago!) - I'm talking probably less than 10 times.

I'm not going to lie, I'm extremely nervous. 

I grew up going to church every single Sunday as a small child.  My mom was the Sunday school teacher and we would attend the sermon after.  I have never been to another church in my life (aside from going with my friends the Sunday after the occasional sleepover and on Wednesdays - because our church didn't have Wednesday night services).

Every since moving here, we have always said we are going to find a church.  "Oh, not this week, maybe next."  Excuses over and over.

The thing is, I think I have been avoiding this moment for a long time.  I never found looked for a church family while in college, or after having babies and getting married.  I guess I just wait for things to come to me, and this was no different.

We started play group a year ago this month, and let me tell ya, there are some wonderful ladies in the group.  The majority go to the same church and I have said for a year now that I'm going to meet them one morning.  

Here, I have had the opportunity....why haven't I taken the leap?

Well, this is why:  I have been very uncomfortable with my spiritual knowledge for, well, forever.  I remember learning bible verses when I was little, but by the time I had reached the age that everything would stick, my family quit going on a regular basis - only holidays.

I believe in God, and Jesus, and I pray daily.  I just don't understand, or know....a lot.

I have a thing about feeling stupid (like how I thought I was great at English until I took a certain instructor in college that just completely beat me down - a story for another day and completely unrelated, just came to mind).  I don't like feeling stupid, and I get extremely discouraged.  I guess I feel what I will call "Bible illiterate."

I don't even know where I placed my's MIA!

We have so much to be thankful for in our home and within our family.  It seems like when everything seems to go wrong, something miraculous always happens and it all ends up working out.  I know this is completely God's work and I feel that I owe it to Him to study and learn His word.

So, tomorrow we are meeting one of my play group friends, and this marks the beginning of our new spiritual path in our lives.  I hope we hear what we need to hear and we end up loving this church.  If not, who knows when we will work up the courage to attend services not knowing ANYONE.

If you're at all spiritual, pray for us and our new journey!

1 comment:

  1. I hope it was great!!

    I know exactly what you are saying... my story is very similar to yours!

    I even bought the one year bible, with the plan to read the entire thing over a year, just like it was intended...
    and I didn't make it a week.

    I hope it was wonderful!!

    (and hopefully we will get back to going more regularly too!)
