Sunday, May 29, 2011


As a lot of you may know, my Grandma Barbara passed away almost 2 months ago.  It was sudden, and for that I'm thankful that she didn't have to suffer through any illness, but it is hard because I never got to tell her goodbye.  I have so many memories that I will cherish forever, but it breaks my heart that Macie will only have the few memories made the past three years.  I hope she remembers her Granny B forever.  

One thing about this sweet lady is that she loved her grandbabies!  She didn't get to see them often, but would ooohhh and ahhhhh over them every chance she got.

My mom has a few pictures of me with Grandma Barbara that I will have to get copies of, so I only have one.  This whole sad experience really makes me appreciate my camera a whole lot more.  You take every minute for granted with your loved ones and when they're gone, you want pictures to remember.  I can't believe I only own one picture with her, but I will always love it!


This weekend, we went to her house to go through things before my dad and my uncles and aunt hold an estate sale.  I am so thankful to have received a few things to remember her by.  

I was lucky enough to bring home with me a mink collared wool coat that was my great grandmother's (known as Big Momma).  I never got to meet her, but I hear stories and it's an honor to have something so precious.

Macie picked out a cute little gold cocktail purse.

Something I really need, a marble cheeseball platter. :)

I loved these glasses when I was a little girl, and now I have them.  I almost cried and still get choked up when I look at them.

So many wonderful memories of my Grandma Barbara.  I will never forget this sweet lady and all of the laughs through the years.

I love you forever!

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