Wednesday, May 18, 2011

With all of this time on my hands....

I have a ton of time to post!

I finally have internet again, so I will be posting as much as possible now! :)

I am enjoying my break a TON!  I get quality time with Macie {without having to worry about getting homework/projects done}, I've started to redecorate the house a little {let's just say spray paint is my new best friend :)}, and our house is A LOT cleaner.  I need to start taking pictures of my before and afters around the house, I guess.  There's a lot that can be done to make a dramatic difference while only spending a few dollars.  A few things that I have done are: 

spray painted two side tables--one in the living room and one in our bedroom--spray painted a clock in the living room, sanded and distressed a table that my Grandad made {many moons ago}, and I hung a couple of small shelves {that I have had for months and haven't had time to measure and hang}.

The list goes on, but I think I have accomplished a lot!

Each morning after Macie and I wake up, we get a little bite to eat then head outside.  I've made it my goal to drastically cut our TV time for the time being.  My reasoning is because the other day, Macie threw a huge fit because the show she wanted to watch wasn't on TV and there was nothing I could do.  I just turned the TV off and she went to her room to play--simple as that.  I hate that I let her get to "addicted", but it's so easy to turn on the tube while I'm trying to get things done {homework & housework}. 

Anyway, we're changing that!  More vitamin D for us--pool time, craft time, and just time to run around. 

Craft Time

Running Around (in our jammies)!

Pool Time!

Needless to say, we are having a lot of fun!  

Chris took the day off today, so we're just hanging out.  He mowed this morning and Macie and I removed the awful border in the master bath.  It ended up being a ton easier than I thought it was going to be.  I looked up instructions on and all it said to start out doing is wetting the paper with warm water.  I was so lucky that worked because I would have been stuck with an even nastier looking bathroom!  

 {I'll post the after after whenever I finally paint}

We're having a busy, productive day and I like it! 

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