Monday, July 18, 2011

Macie and I haven't been doing much outdoor activity lately due to the terrible heat!  Geeze, when will we get a break?  I would like to take her to the beach {at the lake}, but I'm afraid we're {and by we're, I mean me, Macie doesn't seem to be phased by the heat at all} going to overheat.  Shoowee!

Today, I am 11 weeks along and there is this "gender test" called Intelligender that is supposed to tell you what you're having....through urine.  I still haven't figured out the science and really don't think it is very accurate, but I couldn't help myself.....I broke down and took a test.  The results were.....{insert drum roll here}.....BOY! 

I'm not convinced.  I think it's a girl {and not so secretly want a girl, but will be equally excited with a boy :)}.  We shall see.  I go to the Dr. this Thursday.... just a routine appointment, I think, and I'm just guessing we'll find out the gender either late August or early September {did I already post that?  I'm losing my mind here}.

I hope I don't jinx myself by telling my current conditions:  I'm feeling pretty good, still a little tired and have to take breaks when cleaning.  This is why my house if's bad.  If I could send Macie away for a night or two, I know I could get a lot done.  It's hard doing housework when a little tornado comes behind you destroying everything that was just picked up.  When I was really sick, I got to the point where I was like "no, I'm not picking up any more toys!!!"  And on top of destroying everything, she constantly asks for things....juice, a snack, to play.  Not enough hours in the day to do it all completely.  I really think we've just been cooped up inside too long.  Luckily, after the Dr. appt. Thursday, we're going here with my MIL.  She was sweet and bought us family passes....Macie is going to be so excited {and I'm excited that it's indoors}!!!  That's about it for our exciting life.  Friday, I think we're going to meet up with a playgroup here in Granbury.  We've lived here for over 3 years and I still haven't made new friends.  Maybe it's time?

Completely different topic:  I've been trying to figure out, on my own {with the help of asking Google}, how to add new different things to my blog.  The first thing I figured out was the navigation bar at the top.  From here, I hope to figure out how to make my blog a whole lot COOLER.  It's nothing now, but it will be awesome before I go back to school next month!  I just hope I don't get it all snazzy then totally neglect it after I get busy again....that would make me really sad. 

1 comment:

  1. I read this at work and a co-worker is just as intrigued as I am to see if the gender test is right!!!
    I have a friend that used it and it was correct with boy of her kiddos....
    1 boy:: 1 girl

    So we shall see!!!
