Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Do you ever start a really personal blog and not post?

I do quite a bit.  And I did today.  It's there for future reference, but I'm going to wait until I'm in a better place to go on that topic.  It sounded like a bunch of rambling, anyway.  It was like I just *word vomited* it all out.

Today I "deactivated" my Facebook account {{shivers}}.  It was a difficult decision, that shouldn't be difficult.  I spend way too much time on there, it's pathetic.  Maybe not too much time, but too frequently I will check for new status updates.  Why do I do that when I have 400 friends on there that I only know about 40 of on a personal level?  It's just a nosy outlet and I'm not about it at the moment.  Yes, I will miss a lot....but I will also stay focused on my little girl and on other areas of my life that have been neglected.

I will, however, continue to blog.  I know I don't publish much, but I do use it as a journal {ya know, the personal posts that I never post}.  Plus, I it's like an online scrapbook for Macie.  I love to share the fun things she does!

This was part of my "aha moment" that I had after reading this personal blog post

We have gone through a lot lately and I regret many of my actions.  I've been selfish, and if anything it has made me even more unhappy than I was before "having it all".  I have a lot more to say, but on a different day.  I'm not ready yet.

It's time to simplify.

This is the person I want to be:

“I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully, tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails. I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp. I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbors children. I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone's garden. I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder. I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived.”
--Marjorie Pay Hinckley

As many material things I have, nothing compares to this:
Quality time with my sweet pea!

I can't wait for our 2nd sweet girl to get here so we can all share our time {and I guess Daddy can join in on the fun too}.

I'm on my way to a new me...


  1. Kudos to you. I've also been contemplating deleting my facebook. I'm like you -- I hardly ever post anything and only have regular interactions with about 5% of my "friends." That post you linked to was a very powerful post and is so true. It's hard to remember sometimes that we need to just slow down, but it's so important that we do. And it's also important to remember that there is life outside of the internet. Beautiful little *lives* that we love more than anything in the world.... Enjoy your new found "freedom!"

  2. I am glad you are going to continue blogging-- because even though I have never met you, I now [crazily] think of you as a friend and love keeping up with your life.
    I loved the blog you linked to.
    I have anxiety.
    Most times I can keep it under wrap-- [I don't take medication for it] but when I think about something- I dwell and obsess-- and then get this hot feeling in my chest that spreads through my arms an up into my cheeks.
    After reading that, I started analyzing my life and thinking about all I could do, or maybe should do --more...
    but finally chilled myself out.

    And today my house is a mess.
    Maddox and I have played this morning and I have not touched a thing.

    Don't get me wrong-- I will have to clean it at some point (that anxiety thing will do me in) but I am going to try an re-prioritize!

    Thanks for posting!
