Thursday, September 8, 2011

Good morning....

 Courtesy of Starbucks.
There's something about the spices in a Chai tea  that makes me all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed....well, not quite, but close enough.  It makes the drive to school an intsy bit better.

Yesterday, I finally got my new Vera Bradley book bag (or whatever you call it) delivered.  I was excited and couldn't wait to carry it to class this morning.
Yep, that was me walking to class.

Into this glorious building....
That's the science building at TSU....where I'm completely dumbfounded all.morning.long!

Check out the name on the doors in the public restroom.  Tehehe!  I just noticed this today.
I know, I'm immature....

Now it's time to walk up these steps and into my 1 hour 15 min class of doom!

I guess this post could be labeled as an "A Day in the Life".

**For the record:  This was supposed to post at about 10:00am, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out Blogger Mobile.  I'm pretty tech savvy (we'll say intermediate), so this is bothering the heck out of me.**


  1. I love your new bag... and it is funny-- I just told my mom yesterday that I was going to order some Big Train chocolate chai online today-- thanks for the reminder! I'll probably go ahead and get some vanilla and spiced too... tis the season! ;)

  2. Oh, what is this Big Train you speak of? I'm on my way to check it out. These cool mornings are making me want spicy. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my Starbucks days {as long as I'm not running behind!}.
